Patient-Focused Drug Development: Selecting, Developing, or Modifying Fit-for-Purpose Clinical Outcome Assessments

June 30, 2022

A healthcare professional with face mask on holding a tablet looking at a patient with a face mask on.

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a draft guidance, “Patient-Focused Drug Development: Selecting, Developing, or Modifying Fit-for-Purpose Clinical Outcome Assessments.” This guidance (Guidance 3) is the third in a series of guidance documents intended to facilitate the advancement and use of systematic approaches to collect and use robust and meaningful patient and caregiver input that can more consistently inform medical product development and regulatory decision-making. When final, this guidance will represent the current thinking of FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, and Center for Devices and Radiological Health on this topic.

When final, the purpose of this guidance is to help sponsors identify or develop fit-for-purpose COA measures of patients’ health that are appropriate for use in a medical product development program.

Download the Final Guidance Document

Read the Federal Register Notice

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