
Healthcare providers pointing to a tablet device

Clinical Research Solutions

UK/EU Regulatory Developments Review 2023

Introduction The year 2023 has been remarkable in terms of regulatory developments within the UK and EU, characterised by substantial changes, innovative approvals, and strategic initiatives in the...

UK flag flying on pole

Clinical Research Solutions

International Recognition Framework (IRF): Are You Ready?

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has announced a new international recognition framework (IRF) for medicines and devices. The IRF will be in place from January 1st,...

Nurse wearing a mask handing a patient a clipboard.

Clinical Research Solutions

The Future of UK Clinical Research Delivery

ProPharma applauds the myriad of recent, positive developments for clinical trials in the UK, representing the biggest overhaul in UK clinical trials in two decades. Lord O’Shaughnessy Clinical Trial...

Clinical Research Solutions

From Idea to Market: The Five Stages of Product Development

The exact product development process for medical devices differs from region to region, with different regulatory expectations that need to be met in the EU, USA, UK and other regions. These precise...

Clinical Research Solutions

Early engagement with Health Technology Assessment authorities will accelerate product launch and improve chances for reimbursement

Pharmaceutical companies should understand EU Health Technology Assessment (HTA) authorities requirements early in the product development phase. Engagement with HTA authorities during clinical...

Clinical Research Solutions

UK Paediatric Investigational Plans – what do you need to know?? …and how is it all working in practice??

If a marketing authorisation is planned to be submitted in England, Scotland, and Wales (GB), an MHRA-approved paediatric investigational plan (PIP) is required. Up until January 1, 2021, PIPs were...

Clinical Research Solutions

How to Implement an Effective Audit Trail

Maintaining an audit trail is a regulatory compliance requirement, but what makes an audit trail beneficial for maintaining effectiveness and complying with regulations? This blog will explain what...